Geopathic Stress

What is Geopathic Stress?

The Earth oscillates with a natural electromagnetic frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance. This is almost identical to the range of alpha human brainwaves and is the optimum state for health and well-being. Geopathic Stress is a distortion or disruption of that electromagnetic field, which causes negative or harmful rays to emanate from the earth. Geopathic Stress is the effect of detrimental radiation on the health of the human body. It also can have a profound effect on the health of plants, trees, animals and insects living above the area of distortion.

What causes Geopathic Stress?

waterfall scotland.jpg

This distortion can be caused by many things both natural and man-made, including;


Natural Disruptions:

•         Underground streams of water

•         Geological fault lines

•         Underground caverns

•         Certain mineral deposits, in particular coal, oil and iron





Man-made Disruptions:

•         Underground water pipes and sewers

•         Buried gas and overhead or underground electricity pipes and pylons

•         Tunnels and underground railways

•         Motorway cuttings, embankments and bridges

•         Quarries, mines and underground bunkers

•         Steel pilings

•         Metal fence posts and road signs

•         Certain types of building foundation and structures, disruption from building sites

•         Appliances, including computers, TVs, microwaves, radios, telephones

How can Geopathic Stress affect me?

Sleeping or working at a desk and spending a lot of time in Geopathic stress zones can have ill effects on our health, performance and well-being. It is the continuous stress on the system which lowers the immune system and results in loss of resilience to disease, including a greater susceptibility to bacteria, viruses, parasites, environmental pollution and degenerative diseases. We cannot effectively absorb nutrition or fight off infections and suffer with depletion of energy reserves.

There are a wide range of health problems associated with Geopathic Stress including:

•         Never waking up feeling refreshed in the morning, may wake up feeling worse or with headaches

•         Feeling there is something wrong with your home, you don't feel right there, and you don't look forward to going home. You may avoid going home and feel better away from home.

•         Feeling run down and exhausted

•         Depression, anxiety, nervousness, worry

•         Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, bed-wetting, sleep-walking

•         Feeling cold or shivering in bed

•         Behavioural problems in children

•         Apathy, lack of motivation

•         Dizziness

•         Irritability, Unexplained mood changes

•         Drowsiness

•         Allergies

•         Tingling in the arms and legs

•         Teeth-grinding

•         Miscarriages, infertility

•         You may have a serious illness, or your illness may not respond to treatment

Animals and Geopathic Stress-free

Some animals thrive on areas of Geopathic Stress, and some avoid it. Cats in particular are drawn to Geopathic hot-spots, and their favourite sleeping spots can be a good indicator. Similarly, corvids, snakes, ants and some insects, including bees and wasps thrive in such areas. Bees will actually produce more honey when their hive is placed above a Geopathic stress zone. Dogs will avoid these areas. Horses tend to be affected the least.

How can I help?

There is much that can be done to ameliorate or remove Geopathic Stress. Broadly speaking there are 3 approaches:

1) Avoiding

     This can be as simple as moving your bed or desk. However, this is not always practical in a small space

2) Shielding

     A more arduous method can include building a screen, wall or ditch. More favourable methods can include a layer of cork tiles under the bed, burying a talisman, placing of specific crystals, bottles of salt, copper rods and coils or a suggestion of various radionic devices and Resonator machines to establish a shielding field.

3) Clearing/healing/curative

     Ideally the disturbed water line can be healed, I will dowse to find the most appropriate method to do this. It can be done by the focus of a specific point(s) in the ground using:

•        Wood, metal, stone or crystal 'needles' applied in the appropriate places. This is also known as Earth Acupuncture. These can be placed for a few seconds or a few hours, or could be a permanent placing, depending on the size of the fault.

•         The use of flower and gem essences or symbols placed on selected points. This can also include me channelling a specific essence that is particular to that place

•         Offerings and dialogue with local nature spirits. This also includes sacred ceremony, prayer and meditation and focused visualization.

•         Sound, with the voice, tuning forks, rattles, drums, other musical instruments

•         Fire, in the form of candles, incense, moxa or sage.

•         Permanent needles, in the form of sculptures and statues, standing stones, moving water features or a specially planted tree

This should be a permanent solution. However, due to the nature of the amount of electro-magnetic pollution and chaos, particularly in an urban environment, these places are worth a follow up or yearly check-up.

What else?

•         I am able to dowse your home or piece of land to discover helpful or unhelpful energy patterns.  This can just be for your interest, for discovering which parts might need healing or to find an optimum place for building an alter or holding a ceremony.

•         I can discover the optimum place to position a bee-hive

•         If you have a new piece of land or are just wanting to find out whether there is an underground spring that can be used as a water-source. I can dowse the correct place to dig a well or drop a bore-hole

•         Can hold clearing rituals and ceremony with individuals or groups where energies have become unbalanced

•         This can all be done remotely if necessary by a method called 'map-dowsing', so I can work with you wherever you are on the globe.


Christopher Bird, THE DIVINING HAND, 1979: “It was believed by the ancient Chinese that water flowed in subterranean courses called ‘veins of the Dragon’ (Lung Mai). Passing to and fro out of sight, the hidden veins of water served, like the bloodstream of animals, to remove impurities from the body of the earth… and to deposit curative minerals within it. The earth’s circulatory system was matched by an ever-undulating network of currents in the atmosphere. The currents, running through Mai or channels, carried the Qi or vapours”.