Space Clearing
Space clearing is the art of clearing and revitalizing stagnant energies in buildings. It's as essential to the energetic maintenance of a place as physical cleaning is to the physical maintenance. For your life to work well, it is vital to have a good flow of clear, vibrant energy in your home and workplace. Within this bracket I can help with 3 things:
• Geopathic Stress
I can help out with negative energy flows through a property from the earth's energy matrix (often known as ley lines) which are affecting the health of the people, animals, and plants that live there. I am able to dowse your home or piece of land to discover helpful or unhelpful energy patterns. This can just be for your interest, for discovering which parts might need healing, to find an optimum place for building an alter or holding a ceremony, finding the optimum place to position a bee-hive, find an underground spring that can be used as a water-source or holding clearing rituals with individuals or groups. Further information on Geopathic Stress here.
• Removal of negative energies in a dwelling or place
Negative emotions, repetitive actions and behaviours that have resided in a place from strong emotions or trauma, such as, illness, grief or anger, or a negative past relationship. These emotions can stay stuck in a place, affecting the subsequent occupants. If you've ever had the experience of walking into a room after there has just been an argument, you know that you can literally feel it hanging in the air. People sometimes say, 'You could have cut the air with a knife!', meaning that the atmosphere was so dense it was as if the argument were physically tangible.
• Spirit release
Spirits of a place that haven't moved on and are causing problems for the occupants of that place. It could be dislocated nature spirits or perhaps it is someone you know or perhaps it is someone from the past. We no longer have the knowledge, or the priests and shamans required to prepare people and to help them move on properly into the next realm. Therefore, it happens that many people and entities are dislocated and lost and are unable to find their way to the light and can cause a lot of problems for people still alive. It may be someone you know, a friend or family member who may have something that they need to say or convey to those they have left behind. Perhaps if it was a sudden or unexpected death or suicide they may feel the need to explain something, or equally have something explained to them to help them to pass over. I am able to connect to loved ones who have passed over and seek to amend the situation.
This can all be done remotely if necessary by a method called 'map-dowsing', so I can work with you wherever you are on the globe.